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The young men at the Bet El pre-IDF Academy each have a unique story to tell. Each has taken himself in hand and decided to improve his lot in life. We showcase below some of our participating cadets. Click on a picture to go to that cadet’s donation page and sponsor his ride.
Whether via the Donate button above or the links below, all proceeds go directly to Bet El’s IDF Prep Academy.

orelmosheOrel Moshe

If not for this place, many of us here would not achieve what we are capable of. Thank you a thousand times for donating to the Israel Cadet Trek and helping me to change my life!



orchayonEliyahu OrChayon

Whereas I used to back away from challenges, here, each day, I look forward to meeting and defeating them. A three day bike trek in the Golan with my brothers, bring it on baby!!


blonderBar Blonder

I learned that this year is an opportunity to develop my potential and make plans for the future. I think the most exciting thing to me was to realize that I had potential!

Goal: $6,000

samaniTzvi Yosef Haim Samani

I have come to understand that strength does not come from what I look like but from building faith, willpower and personality- also from friends and trusted advisors.

Goal: $6,000

peretzEvyatar Peretz

I came to the IDF Prep Academy in Bet El, to put my energy into improving my personality and connecting with G-d and Torah.

Goal: $6,000